Posting your videos online is a cost effective way of advertising your business as opposed to buying commercial time on television.
Some benefits to online video are:
- They're a great way to engage your customers and prospects
- They offer premium content on your website
- They are a convenient communication tool
- They help out with SEO
- And they're "always on"
People are migrating away from television these days and moving more and more to the internet. And because people aren't watching TV anymore, they won't see your commercials! Expand your possible market, and put your promotional videos online, on your website and all the social networking sites you can.
Internet video is a modern advertising method. Elephant Room Media can take any video and optimize it for your website and any other social marketing site you may be a member of. (If your business is not part of a social network site (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter), you should definitely consider the marketing possibilities!)